How to Get Started on Building Your Community

Building a online community for your business

  Once you have decided to get your community off the ground, you first need to identify the types of audience you want to attract.   Think of them as divided into different categories and work out what each type wants and what problems you can solve for them. Keep asking yourself the question: what…

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How A Community Will Help Your Business

Great Content

  Without wishing to sound too cynical, if you have created a vibrant online community of people all interested in whatever your business is about, you’ve got a great pool of focused, targeted people right there are your fingertips to whom you can market to.   However, it goes without saying that you don’t want…

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Why You Absolutely Must Build an Online Community for Your Business

online community

There is a really big difference between an audience and a community. An audience is one-way. It is not interactive. It isn’t social. An audience passively watches or reads. An audience doesn’t participate. Or share with others. It just observes. On the other hand, a community is a two-way conversation. It is a living, breathing…

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